What are the symptoms of heart disease?
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Fainting—Is it really Harmless?
Imagine this: You are in a business meeting with your boss and some co-workers and are asked to give a presentation. You’re well prepared and confident, so you stand up and walk to the front of the room. Suddenly, you find yourself blinking and laying on the floor surrounded by your co-workers. It seems that you have fainted!
Everyone chalks it up to nerves, but you are confused—you never had stage fright before.
When you faint, it could be for a number of reasons. It is important to see a doctor regarding your fainting, because it could indicate an underlying heart condition.
Cardiac syncope, or fainting that is cause by a heart condition, is extremely serious, as it could be fatal if gone unchecked. In some cases, you simply do faint because of heat, nerves, fever, or other things. However, if you faint for what seems to be no reason at all, see a doctor right away.
There are two main kinds of cardiac syncope. The first is a variety known as obstructive cardiac lesions. The heart is an intricate organ with many blood vessels coming to and from the heart and a variety of values opening and closing at exactly the right moment to let the correct amounts of blood in and out of the heart. If any of these passages become blocked for any reason, you could experience fainting.
A doctor will perform an echocardiogram to look at your heart and see if any blockages could be causing you to faint. If so, the blockages should be removed so that you do not have a heart attack to so that a blot clot doesn’t travel in the blood stream and cause a stroke.
More commonly, cardiac syncope is caused by cardiac arrhythmias. These often cause sudden death and so are very dangerous. There are two main kinds in this category.
First, bradycardia is caused by disease in the sinus node or disease of the specialized conduction system. The sinus node is the body’s natural pacemaker. Here is the spot of origin for the electrical pulse that pumps your heart. When your sinus node is diseases, your heart beats more slowly.
Fainting is a common symptom. When your specialized conduction system is not working properly, the electrical impulse is blocked from reaching all parts of the heart, which also causes fainting and can be the cause of instant death. Cardiac arrhythmias can also be cause be too much electrical impulse.
This condition is known as tachycardia and causes the heart to beat too rapidly. Again, it may cause fainting and is known to cause death in some cases.
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