Choosing Special School for hearing impaired
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Choosing a Special School for Your Child
If your child is hearing-impaired, you may be considering sending him or her to a special school for those with hearing problems. However, this is not an easy decision especially when you consider the fact that most parents want their children to grow up normally, and this usually involves sending them to a typical school.
Having your child grow up in a normal school environment helps them experience with most other children of their age experience. However, a hearing impairment definitively hinders their chances of being able to blend in properly.
Studies show that students with hearing impairments go through a lot of stress and emotional trauma whenever they are made to fit in with a social group that has difficulty understanding them. School children, specifically, have a tendency to treat those with hearing impairments differently.
Some may treat them well, although patronizingly. However many will treat them with disrespect. It is this kind of attitude that could cause serious emotional scars to your child. Remember, that the home environment is different from the school environment.
If at home, your child is treated equal with everyone else, and they are shown love and understanding, you will have to make sure that he or she experiences the same thing in their school environment. Although you cannot expect other children to understand your child's situation, you can at least make sure that both your child and the school can prepare for each other.
Here are a few tips when deciding whether to send your child to a special school or not and the various things you will need to know when making the move.
1. Special schools are for special needs - the good thing about special schools for hearing-impaired children is the fact to that they are tailor made to address your child's special needs. Lessons here are in a sign language your child can understand. The curriculum is also made so that those with hearing impairments can easily participate and fit in.
Also, the educational materials that they provide should be able to help your child reach their potential earlier. The educators in such institutions are specially trained to help children with special needs. This makes special schools a good choice for those with advanced hearing impairments. In fact, they would even make a good choice for those with moderate hearing impairments.
2. It is easier for them to fit in. Being in the presence of other hearing impaired children is a good thing for your child. It is easier for them to get along with those in the same situation. Also it lessens the chance of bullying among the children.
Being among people with the same circumstances can dramatically improve one's social and mental development. This is because they do not have to feel out of place or estranged from the system that is educating them. They will be able to form meaningful relationships without anyone condescending or patronizing them.
Being with peers gives the child a sense of home. And although bullying is not exclusive to those who can hear properly, at least being in the presence of those who cannot gives them better leverage against it.
3. Normality. Some parents will wonder if such special schools would prepare their children for the real world. This question naturally arises from the assumption that special schools tend to create a separate world for themselves.
While it is true that there is sort of an alternate world in special schools, it is not very different from the real world. If you really want your child to have a normal education, special school might be the best chance.
Sending your child to a normal school when he or she cannot fit in or understand whatever's going on around them might give them a skewed version of reality. Your child must be made to understand that they have a special situation that gives them specific problems in the real world. A special school can help them understand this and adjust accordingly.
The choice to send your child to special school will be a very important one. However, it may be best if you consider your child's needs for making it. If your child can make it through normal school even with their disability, then well and good; however, if your child truly has special needs that can only be addressed by a special school, then by all means, a special school is the only solution.
What are Ear & hearing loss problems ?
Your ear is divided into three major components: the inner ear, the middle ear, and the outer ear. The outer ear is what is physically seen in our bodies. The ear canal is the path where the sound waves pass through.
It is also seen from the outside. The ear canal acts like a funnel catching the sound waves and lead them to the eardrum.
The middle ear is where the eardrum is located. It is actually a small space inside the ear filled with air. In the middle ear, there are three tiny bones. Collectively, they are called the ossicles.
Individually, there are the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup. From the outer ear, sound is directed to the eardrum. Now on the eardrum, these bones move in tune with the sound that passes on the vibration toward a much smaller part of the ear, the cochlea.
The cochlea is already part of the inner ear. It has fluid in it, which, in turn, moves the hairs on the outside of the cells. Several of these hair cells create an electrical impulse that is send with the auditory nerve directly to the brain.
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