What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Constipation, and the Migraine Syndrome?
A health article about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Constipation, and the Migraine Syndrome from Migraine & Headache Problems the A to Z directory of
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"Oh my, I feel bloated again. It's been three days since I've
had a bowel movement. This cramping is killing me. It always
seems to be worse with stress. Metamucil and laxatives really
don't seem to help very much. What am I going to do?"
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with constipation is very common,
as well as being very frustrating. This patient would want to at
least take care of the basics--the standard migraine care as
outlined in my book, Doctor, Why Do I Feel This Way? The
possible offending food list is the same for IBS and migraines.
All people, especially people with IBS with constipation, should
have certain bowel habits. They are encouraged to have their
bowel movement 10-20 minutes after breakfast; to put the feet in
position to allow them to unweight (in other words lift the body
up slightly); not to hold breath while defecating; to consume
adequate water; and to increase gradually fiber intake.
Magnesium oxide can help migraines and increase the intestinal
motility of contents. If these measures are not adequate,
medicines can be prescribed. Your doctor can help you decide on
the correct approach to IBS symptoms.
This person falls into the migraine syndrome profile. Let me
explain what I mean by the migraine syndrome . It
is the outward expression of the body's sensitivity to light,
sound, smell, food, and/or stress. Some people are more
sensitive than others; therefore, their reactions to different
stimuli are greater.
This sensitivity can be manifested in the
body as migraines, sinus headaches, neck aches, palpitations,
irritable bowel syndrome, motion sickness or vertigo, reactive
hypoglycemia, temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ), panic
attacks, and/or fibromyalgia. Now that's a mouthful!
Understanding what is going on with you is very important in the
healing process.
About the author:
J. Wes Tanner, MD, is a family practice and headache specialist
who has been treating people for over 30 years. He has extensive
experience in treating migraines and fibromyalgia with excellent
success. In Doctor, Why Do I Feel This Way?, Dr. Tanner exposes
the secrets and myths about fibromyalgia and the migraine
syndrome. To find out more, go to http://www.migrainesyndrome.net
What is a Migraine?
It is estimated that up to 26 million Americans suffer from Migraine headaches and it is considered one of the top reasons for missed work and loss of production. Among these, 8 million suffer from debilitating pain every year. These attacks render them incapacitated to the point that they can no longer perform their daily activities.
In fact, about 60 million work days are collectively lost every year, costing the United States some 17 billion dollars because of the lost time and medical expenses. More women than men suffer from migraine.
A debilitating Migraine headache can last from 4 to 72 hours and can be accompanied by intense pain, extreme sensitivity to light and sound, vertigo, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. After affects of a migraine can leave the sufferer drained and without energy accompanied by a low grade headache with oversensitivity to light and sound and can last for another 24 hours.
Most Migraine headaches sufferers cannot identify what triggers the headaches and a long and varied list exists that differs with each individual. The same factors do not necessarily trigger a Migraine on a consistent basis either. Statistically, women are more prone to Migraines than men with claims that the decline in estrogen during menstruation is the trigger and the onset can begin immediately to a few days delay.
Though all migraines are headaches, all
headaches are not migraines. There can be many causes like high
blood pressure, cervical spondylosis and poor eyesight being a
few. So every one with headaches should not think he is
suffering from migraine.
The broad criterion of diagnosis is if
you have two or more of the following symptoms during a attack
it is probable you are suffering from migraine
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)

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