Heart Disease and Women: Not Just for Men
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In the past it was thought that the greatest risk for heart disease lied with men and not with women. However, in recent years it has come to be known that women, in fact, are at a huge risk for heart disease. Heart disease is actually one of the biggest causes for death among adult women.
This is partly genetic, remember. Most of the people who have heart disease have a genetic disposition towards it. However, this means that even those that have a genetic disposition have a chance to get around it, and not develop heart disease.
No matter if you are going to be prone through your genetics to develop heart disease, or if you are simply a person who does not have it in your history, if you are a woman, there are things that you should be doing to lessen your risk of developing heart disease.
First of all, it is important to know that the best thing a woman can do to prevent heart disease is to get enough exercise. This is very important because by being in good shape, a woman can help her heart to be strong and to get in the right shape that it needs to be in to do the body’s work.
Also, by staying in shape, a woman can help her heart work with the energy that comes from the food she is eating. As long as she stays in shape, a woman can help her body use the fat from the foods that she is eating, and it will not have a chance to sit around in her arteries.
Another thing that all women should be aware of is that her diet is going to play a huge role in whether or not she develops heart disease, and how powerful that might be. In order to be healthy, a woman needs to be eating a balanced diet, and not one that is going to be dangerous for her.
A woman should be eating a proper amount of food within the correct food groups, so that she is able to digest the foods properly and use the energy to live her life. This is something that most women might not think about, because a diet does not seem, on the surface, to be related to heart disease.
However, eating the right foods is absolutely essential to being and staying healthy.
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