What is Alternative Health Therapy?


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Alternative Therapy: How to Choose

If traditional medical treatments are not helping your recover from or prevent illness or pain, you may wish to consider an alternative from of treatment to take the place of traditional options or to use in conjunction.

These alternative therapies are now being widely studied, as many people are having miraculous results with them. However, within the alternative medical world, there are a number of choices for treatment.

Choosing a medical treatment plan can be difficult, so research the many options carefully before choosing any kind of alternative therapy treatment.

There are many types of therapies you can learn about. The most commonly known alternative medical option is chiropractic. Acupuncture and acupressure are also very widely known and accepted ways of treating illness and pain.

In the place of medications, herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies can be used, and a detox diet is also the cause of medical well being for many people who wish to stop using medicines, which contain many harmful chemicals and can increase risks and cause side effects.

Some types of alternative therapies focus specifically on the sense of touch. These include massage, Rolfing, reiki, and therapeutic touch. There are also alternative therapy treatments that involve your other senses.

Aromatherapy is triggered by sense of smell; color therapy and light therapy both have to do with your sense of sight, and music therapy involves your sense of hearing.

If none of the aforementioned alternative medical options strike your fancy, you can also try prayer, meditation, yoga, hypnosis, magnetic therapy, polarity therapy, apitheraphy, or biofeedback techniques.

There are many other kinds of alternative therapies as well and your doctor should know a little bit about all of them. Use this as a starting point to narrow down the list and then research each to choose what is best for your body.

Once you have chosen an alternative therapy option, you must next find a professional for treatment. Be wary of anyone not certified. Most alternative therapies have certification programs or are practiced by medical doctors. In many cases, practicing without certification is illegal. Certification programs help you feel at ease with your professional.

Shop around for the best prices and ask your regular doctor for recommendations. Word of mouth is a great way to find medical professionals, so talk to friends, family members, and co-workers about the local businesses.

You can also read reviews online and contact the Better Business Bureau for more information. Your health care is important, so make the best decisions possible.

Connecting the Dots:
Understanding Internal Organs through Zang Fu Theory

Alternative Traditional Chinese medicine is the idea that everything is interconnected in one’s body and in the universe. Through this concept, there was a development of the way in which the system could be divided. The understanding of this system is what allowed one to practice alternatives towards health and balanced energy.

The Zang-Fu theory is the concept that the functions of the different organs interact with each other. This interaction allows them to function in different ways, and also balances out the health of different individuals. When one’s internal organs are completely balanced, they have reached complete health because their energy is able to flow naturally and without any blocks.

From this major concept, the internal organs are divided into various categories. The first set of categories is the Zang, which are the Yin organs. This includes the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, and pericardium. The Fu are the Yang organs and includes the intestines, gall bladder, urinary bladder and stomach. Each of these organs will be paired together; meaning that one Yang organ corresponds to one Yin organ.

Through each of these categorizations, the organs are able to correspond and function by relating to each other. When these organs are not functioning properly together, it will be the cause of dysfunction in the body. Beyond this, it is the functioning of these organs that directly link to the way that the mind and the spirit function together. The Zang organs will be directly linked with specific emotions as well as senses. The Fu system is the opposite of this because it is linked to the hollow system and digestion.

The combination of all of the elements of the body is the major concept in the Zang Fu theory. By combining the internal organs and discovering the relationships that they have between each other, one is able to find the necessary answers to healing. Chinese medicine, through combining all of the elements is able to work towards an internal healing that leads to external functions of health.

The West Meets the East:
Using Science to Prove Chinese Medicine

Even though Chinese medicine has been used as an effective method for over 5,000 years, Western scientific proof continues to debate whether this is a logical method to help with healing. If you are interested in Chinese medicine, but are not certain of its effectiveness, you can look at the various research studies that have helped others to reach conclusions about its effectiveness.

The most debated science between East and West is the use of acupuncture as a medicine. At this point, the research studies have not led to any complete conclusions about whether acupuncture can be considered a science. At the same time, research indicates that the use of meridians in acupuncture is effective in healing. Scientists have also stated that because the treatment is harmless, it can be used, and simply needs to have more investigations related to it.

Another debate that has been studied by Western scientists is herbal medicines that are used from traditional Chinese medicine methods. While some of these have not been studied, other parts of the herbs are used in pharmaceutical medications that are prescribed to patients. Chinese wormwood, Ephedra, and artemisinin are some examples of ancient remedies that have moved into Western medicine from Chinese ideals.

One agreement that all Western research shows, with the various ideas of Chinese medicine, is that the treatments are safe. All of the medical studies indicate that even if the medications are not scientifically proven, they are still not detrimental to one’s health and most have few side effects. Because this is a proven point to the holistic methods, most scientists will also state that it is simply a lack of research from the medicine that is used in Chinese philosophies.

From the philosophy to the science, Chinese medication is a debated concept in Western society. However, there is also a growth and a beginning to understanding the concepts that have been used and experimented with over time. Through the various techniques of Chinese medicine to the continuous use by individuals who are looking for holistic health, Chinese medicine continues to become prominent in Western society.

Traditional Chinese medicine which is acupuncture employs the additional use of a machine to stimulate the needles and, in effect, provide relief where needed. Acupuncture is one Chinese treatment, which has been intensively researched on, challenged and corroborated by western doctors.

The journal of American Association of Anatomist indicated that acupuncture points correspond to areas where connective tissues are thickest and which contains many nerve endings. Far from being a fleeting trend, acupuncture has become an accepted health care practice. It involves science intersecting with nature.

The most debated science between East and West is the use of acupuncture as a medicine. At this point, the research studies have not led to any complete conclusions about whether acupuncture can be considered a science. At the same time, research indicates that the use of meridians in acupuncture is effective in healing. Scientists have also stated that because the treatment is harmless, it can be used, and simply needs to have more investigations related to it.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)

How to Give a Massage
A massage is arguably one of the best things one can have after a very stressful day. Nothing relieves the body of the aches and pains that it experiences other than a well given massage.

Touch therapy is proven to be one of the best stress relievers because it invigorates not only the body, but also the mind and the soul. A massage clears the passages towards the harmonious function of one’s mind and body, thereby unifying the two elements.

In the physical sense, a massage will definitely induce relaxation and good blood circulation. The motion from the massage also induces the excretion of toxins from the body.

People go to massage therapists every now and then to be able to experience a good massage. However, learning how to administer massage to other people is definitely something wonderful. Just think about giving a massage to your loved one and effectively relieving her of the pains in her muscles and joints.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)

Hypnotism And Self-Hypnosis
Hypnosis is the Greek word for sleep chosen by scientist James Braid in 1840 to describe the very natural process of opening our subconscious minds for a period of time. During this relaxed moment we can do two things, remove old unhealthy or unwanted values and patterns and replace them with new healthy desirable ones. We all go in and out of trance many times a day. We call it day dreaming, staring or zoning out. Have you ever driven to the store and realized you remembered no details of the drive? You were in a hypnotic trance.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)

Hypnotherapy Part 2
IT is apparent, from the History of Hypnotism in Chapter One, that the development of the theory and practice of hypnotism has been largely in the hands of medical men. To the names of those mentioned in our brief history, scores of other physicians might be mentioned such as Forel, Janet, Arndt, Berend, Coué, Binet, Richet, and innumerable others.

Some physicians have become specialists in this field, and used hypnosis with marked success in a wide range of physical and mental disorders. In consequence of further experimentation by medical men, doubtless many more will specialise in this branch of medical therapy. I consider hypnotism should be regarded as allied to medicine, but a separate science in itself, like chemistry.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)

Self Hypnosis Part 3
IN self-hypnosis or auto-suggestion, the individual learns to contact his own subconscious mind to produce apparently miraculous results. And yet are they so miraculous?

Many ordinary people are able to wake themselves up in the morning by concentrating hard the night before on the exact time they wish to wake. Most readers of this book will have done this successfully at one time or another, and so will readily understand the power of auto-suggestion over themselves. This power can be controlled and harnessed to useful ends, and like all other techniques becomes easier still with practice.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)

Hypnosis as Alternative Treatment

Yoga and Health: An Alternative Form of Exercise

Apitherapy Alternative Therapy

What is Polarity Therapy?

What is Light Therapy?

What is Homeopathy?

Using Music for Alternative Therapy


What is Color Therapy?

Crystals and Gemstones as Alternative Therapy

Alternative therapy using Biofeedback

Amen: Prayer for Health

A Massage that Cures: Acupressure

A Japanese Kind of Cure: Reiki

Magnets: Not Just for Your Refrigerator

Rolfing: A Modern Type of Stress Relief

Smelling Healthy: Aromatherapy

On Pins and Needles: Acupuncture for Your Health

If you’ve tried various traditional types of medical treatment for an illness, but none have worked to your liking, consider an alternative form of treatment. One such alternative health method is acupuncture, which has been used since ancient China to cure everything from back pain to headaches to infertility. Today, doctors are learning more and more about the many real health benefits of acupuncture, so the practice is becoming widely accepted when it was once considered a primitive kind of treatment. Talk to your doctor so that you can fully understand if acupuncture can help you.

Acupuncture works by stimulating certain points on the body to heal you. A certified professional will first do an analysis by asking you questions about your health history and your current condition. He or she will also look at your skin color, tongue appearance, and dental health, as well as other things about your body.

Your acupuncturist will then decide on the best course of action. Traditionally, acupuncture looks for the root of the problem and fixes that rather than simply treating the symptoms. All health problems stem from the dysfunction of energy flow in the body. The acupuncturist will stick small needles into your body at specific points to relieve the stress placed on this energy flow and hopefully correct it.

These points are in places all over your body, but the process should not hurt or otherwise feel uncomfortable. If you are still wary about acupuncture, you can do a special type that involves only points on your hands. This hand acupuncture can still treat illness throughout the body.

When done correctly, acupuncture is safe and can be extremely effective. Your acupuncturist should be certified and have a legitimate business, so that you are sure that things stay safe. As with any technique that involves needles, make sure that your acupuncturist uses tools that are sterile. Your regular doctor should be able to direct you to a high-quality acupuncturist in your area so that you explore this treatment option.

Acupuncture works best when used in conjunction with other forms of treatment, and can be used as a preventative method as well, so even if you are not currently suffering from any afflictions, you can use acupuncture to prevent medical conditions.

Although it is still a kind of treatment that is met with much skepticism, acupuncture has proven itself in today’s medical world. Pursue this option when nothing else has worked, and remember to keep an open mind about it and about all forms of alternative medical treatment.

Meditation and visualization for relaxation

Meditating can help bring mind and body into a state of harmony. It is a way to balance an active life with calming period of inner reflection, and has the benefit of promoting easy, restful sleep.

Regular meditation, combined with positive affirmations, can help you to “centre” your mind, alleviating stress and allowing you to see a clear way forward through the daily problems and challenges you may face.

Ease into meditation:

Choose a quiet place for meditating, one where you won’t be interrupted.

Get into a comfortable position: sitting cross0legged is a traditional pose, but you may sit in a comfortable chair.

Close your eyes, breathe deeply with your hands resting on your lap, and allow all thoughts to slowly leave your mind, as sand trickles through the neck of an hourglass.

You may wish to focus on a word, or mantra, such as “OM”: repeat this sound slowly as you exhale, over and over until tension has left your body and mind.

Or you could visualize a colour, allowing it to surround and suffuse you with its calming rays.

Allow 10 to 20 minutes each time you meditate; doing this twice daily is an effective way to restore composure.

Informal meditation can be done any time you need a break; close your eyes for a few minutes and breathe deeply.

Leaving troubles behind:

This meditation is sometimes called the “railway tunnel.” Designed to help you focus on the present and leave you unfettered by past worries, it can be a very effective means of paving the way to sleep.

To help you focus your mind, light a candle before you begin the meditation.

Imagine strolling along a path between two high banks, with a dull, cloudy sky above…. A heavy back-pack makes your steps heavy and slow.

You trudge along, feeling damp and cold. You reach the entrance to an old railway tunnel….. it is very dark, but you can see a point of light at the end, which is reassuring. As you enter, all your self-doubts begin to surface. You are aware of your failings and regrets. Let them rise gently to the surface of your mind. The back-pack is getting lighter as they surface.

There is a pool of light on the floor ahead from an air shaft. As you go through the light, you remember a happy time, when you felt really good about yourself.

As you move into the darkness again, you feel lighter; your back-pack is emptying, but the doubts are rising up to the surface once more…. The circle of light at the end of the tunnel is growing, but here is another air shaft. As you pass through the light, another good memory comes into your mind.

Now you are back in the gloom, but it doesn’t seem as intense as before. It is getting lighter and warmer, and you experience more good memories…. As you near the end, you notice that the sun has come out, and you feel as if your load has disappeared. Warmth begins to replace the cold you felt before.

Eventually, you step out into the sunshine with a light tread, valuing yourself and the world much more. You realize you have so many opportunities awaiting you, and new chances to accomplish things. Your contribution is important, and you are a valuable and lovable person.

Bending the Body: Chiropractic as Alternative Medicine

Chiropractic is an alternative health option that has become mainstream and widely used. This year, millions of Americans, as well as people all over the world, will visit a chiropractor’s office for help with pain and illness, most often times back pain. Chiropractic procedures can be used on just about anyone and will help in a variety of ways with multiple kinds of pain, so if you want to try an alternative to traditional medical treatments that has been proven to work, ask your doctor about more information regarding chiropractic.


Chiropractors treat a patient with a hands-on technique. Using a number of motions, chiropractors align the spine and other joints in a manipulation kind of strategy, known as adjustment in the business. Chiropractic teaches that the body can heal itself under the correct conditions. Basic health is strongly related to body structure and its function, stemming from correct spinal alignment and radiating to other parts of the body.

This process is not a new one, and chiropractic teachings have been written down since the time of the ancient Greek civilization. It was brought back to the health world in the late 1800s and has grown in popularity every since. Each chiropractor has a different theory and belief system regarding how the procedures work, so it is important to be sure that you and your chiropractor feel comfortable together.

Be sure to also visit someone who is a licensed professional, as bone alignment (especially spinal manipulation) can be dangerous if the person doing the aligning is not properly trained. Your medical doctor should be able to suggest some popular and effective chiropractic professionals in your area, or you can search the Internet for offices and reviews.

During your initial visit, a chiropractor will ask you questions about your health history and current state of well being. He or she will also do a physical examination and choose the best course of action to treat your condition. A variety of techniques can be used to achieve the desired results, and they may also combine their techniques to other nontraditional forms of treatment. These include mobilization, the use of heat and ice, acupuncture, homeopathy, and magnetic therapy.

Before you begin treatment, be sure to review your state’s chiropractic guidelines and take care that your professional follows the correct and legal procedures. Also check if your health insurance covers this form of treatment—many do, but some do not. Lastly, spread the word if you have received excellent care. Chiropractors and other alternative health care professionals rely on you to help them gain a good reputation.

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Healthy Eating: More Complicated than You Thought

Many people pursue alternative health treatments when traditional medical procedures are not being as effective as they are needed to be. Some, such as rolfing, acupuncture, and chiropractic procedures should only be done with a professional in the field.

However, other kinds of alternative medical practices can be discussed with your doctor and then practiced in your own home. One such alternative type of therapy that you can do without the help of a medical professional for daily or weekly treatments is the detox diet.

Traditionally, the detox diet is used for those who are struggling to quit drug or alcohol abuse. There are now many other known ways in which this can help a person’s health as well. Detox diets include more than simply removing addictive substances from your menu—and the diet itself is quiet complicated if you do not first research and understand the food that you should be avoiding in your daily diet.

Your doctor can help you plan your detox diet so that you are eating the most beneficial foods possible. Be sure to discuss this treatment with him or her before you begin, so that you can be sure it is a healthy diet for your specific medical condition.

Detox stands for detoxification, and generally these diets are ones that remove harmful environmental toxins from your body by eliminating the source—poor food choices. First, you should minimize and eventually stop eating foods that contain harmful additive chemicals.

Organic food is substituted instead. Next, add foods to your diet that promote healthy detoxification by providing the nutrients your body needs. Lastly, foods that are high in fiber and water are very important so that toxins can be drawn out of your body quickly and regularly.

Detox diets can be used to help with skin problems, digestive diseases, addiction, and other health concerns. It is important to be sure that you are eating in a way that is healthy for your body, so if you have other conditions, such as an eating disorder, diabetes, epilepsy, cancer, heart disease, ulcers, or low blood pressure, check with your doctor before beginning this new type of diet.

It is also not suggested for those who are pregnant or nursing. If you have an adverse side effect, such as diarrhea, stomach pains, or drastic weight loss, talk to you doctor. When beginning a detox diet, you may experience headaches or be tired. This is normal, but if it does not improve, see your doctor.

Massage for Health

Many people get massages because they feel nice, but did you know that a massage session could also benefit your health? Massage techniques, when done properly, can not only decrease stress and relax your muscles, but they can also improve your immune system, relieve pain, cure headaches, help injuries heal faster, and retain your muscle and joint mobility. It you are having difficulties in any of these areas and traditional medical procedures are not working, talk to your doctor about alternative therapy options, including massage.

There are a number of different kinds of massages, and a professional usually practices one or two specific kinds, so be sure to visit someone who can meet your needs. Traditionally, people get Swedish massages, which are focused on relaxation, or deep tissue massages, which are focused on loosening muscle tissues.

Some massages specifically target certain areas of the body. Cranio-Sacral massages focus on your neck, head, and spine and work to proper align this area and loosen tightened muscles in this area. Chi Nei Tsang is a type of massage that focuses on your abdominal organs and can help greatly with digestive pain or illness. If your joints are the problem, try The Trager Approach. These kinds of massages can help improve your life when done correctly, and you can also use them in conjunction with Swedish massage or other massage techniques to directly target the problem and then relax the entire body.

Other kinds of massages that are meant to relax or relieve stress, such as the Rosen Method, but all massages should leave you feeling physically and mentally better. A few types of massages, like a deep tissue massage, can be slightly painful and should only be used if you doctor specifically recommends them to help your condition. Rolfing is one such technique, as it works to align your tissues correctly and straighten the spine. However, even after this massage, you should feel better, not worse. If your condition worsens, talk to your doctor and masseuse immediately.

Other kinds of massages that may work for you include the Alexander technique, acupressure, feldenkrais, reflexology, reiki, and the Shiatsu method. There are varied ways to use these techniques so research them all further before choosing to schedule an appointment. You can also learn how to perform simple massage techniques on yourself to improve your comfort levels or purchase a massage chair for home use. You doctor or a massage professional can help you choose which options are best for you and your body’s specific medical condition.

Herbs for Health


Many people use herbs in their cooking for added flavor, but did you know that herbs can also be used in a medicinal way? Herbs have long been used as an alternative from of treatment. Patients taking various medications can benefit by using herbs that can achieve the same effects. If you are looking for a different kind of way to treat some of your medical conditions, ask your doctor for more information about how herbal supplements can work for you.

Pharmaceutical drugs can have a harsh effect on the body. Herbal supplements, on the other hand, provide gentle care and side effects are less common. You can also get most herbal supplements without a prescription, making it easier and more cost effective for those who do not have health insurance. Many herbal remedies are made by a number of companies and not all products are of the same quality. Your doctor should be able to provide you with a list of the best herbal drugs as well as ones to avoid. Check the labels to be sure that there are not chemical additives or diluting agents in your herbal supplements so that you are getting what you pay for.

The Chinese have especially worked at developing herbal medications for use in the place of more traditional medications for a pharmacy. Herbal teas, powders, and pills are commonly used in conjunction with other traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, such as acupuncture. A variety of herbs are used here, and you may drink tea or take a supplemental pill before, during, or after your procedure to best benefit your body.

You can also purchase specialized herbal mixtures from many TCM professionals, which are mixed directly in the practitioner’s office. Be sure you only purchase herbs from licensed professionals.

Herbs can be as dangerous as prescription medications if you use them incorrectly. It is most important to follow your doctor’s instructions, as overdosing can cause adverse side effects. Also be sure to tell your doctor about any other medications or herbal supplements you are currently taking, since herbs can react with one another in various ways.

It is best to always be safe and talk to a professional about herbal care rather than purchasing the supplements on your own. A doctor can do a better job at regulating your doses and combining the many herbs available in the most productive way for your body. Herbs are a great way to feel healthier and relieve pain, but only if used in the correct way.

Get Back Weight Loss Motivation with NLP Setting an Anchor

by Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP

NLP Setting an Anchor Process to Get Back Motivation for Losing Weight

A client recently wrote saying, "When I was losing the weight I felt so good about my exercise and weight loss I actually considered going into the health field. I want to get that [feeling] back!"

It can be easier than you think to "get that feeling back." That's exactly the type of situation when you'd want to use the NLP process known as setting an anchor.

How to Set an Anchor

Start by just daydreaming about how it felt back then. Jot down notes if you can. Then answer these type questions (feel free to ask any questions you like).

How did it feel overall? Is there anywhere on your body you felt it strongly? What kind of feeling was it? Strong, mild, fluttery, tingling? What? Do everything you can to recreate exactly how it was for you back then.

How were you sitting or standing? How did you carry yourself?

What did you hear from others? Compliments? Encouragement?

Do you remember anything negative? Write it down.

Do you recall what you saw? Were you in a certain place? Was the sky a certain color, etc. Get every detail you can as vividly as possible.

You considered going into the health field? What type of work, exactly?

Write down every detail, and when you really feel it, just like you felt it back then, reach down and squeeze your knee.

That's creating an anchor. Then, try again, all the same steps as above, ask yourself the same questions and then this time, remembering as intensly as you can, squeeze your knee again. It may sound silly but it really works.

To test if it's working, stand up, shake it off - think of the last movie you saw (think of anything else, just to get your mind clear). Get all the thoughts out of your mind, and when your mind is a blank, sit down, and squeeze your knee. Your thoughts will probably go to the good feelings, and memories of what it felt like when you were getting in shape that time.

That's how you "set an anchor."

Anchors like this are how you switch thoughts from negative to positive in the blink of an eye. If you are feeling bad, you just say, "Hey, this isn't right," reach down and squeeze your knee, and whoosh, you have those memories again.

The memories are something that can help put those feelings front and center for you again, and that's what you want, to get back those feelings. Once you have those feelings, even if just a bit, you'll become motivated to do what it takes to produce those feelings more and more, and maybe even pursue that a career in a health field.

~~ Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of the free e-book: Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com

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Even when we try to eat well, we're disadvantaged.


The nutritional content of most food has been compromised over the years, not only by deficient soils and modern production, transportation, storage and processing methods, but also by the enormous amounts of chemical and artificial substances added to promote growth, storage life, taste and appearance.

It's for this reason that more and more medical practitioners and alternative health therapists are advocating the use of vitamin and mineral supplements. However, finding them in the right combination can be both confusing and costly.

The nutrition products I am going to recommend you make use of knowledge gained from the botanical world's 6,000 year history. They incorporated health building nutritional herbs with the best modern technology to help our bodies cleanse and detoxify so that the cells - the tiniest living units - can be as fully nourished as possible.

This allows the cells to grow, repair and to perform their functions with the best possible efficiency so that we feel and look better and are more able to prevent and fight disease. Once the body begins to clear itself of toxins it can more efficiently absorb nutrition. Further reading through our articles on health issues will give you a body of information that will help you decide what options you have to deal with the underlying causes of your problem through giving your body the nutrition products that will assist you body to heal from the inside out. There are many more articles about alternative health below here, but your are also welcome to explore the valuable online health information on the site (just click on the links below to learn more) then get back to me on the email form below to take the next steps or to answer any more questions you may have. 9) Other Natural Remedies

• Flower remedies
• Yoga

This site offers a range of mediation tools -Meditation techniques and a set of Guided meditation videos

Good Food Health Vitamin Intake

It is essential that a person is aware of what constitutes good food health vitamin intake. The federal drug administration produces a recommended daily allowance for the majority of vitamins which it regards as a good food health vitamin intake. These figures vary according to a person’s age, sex and some other factors so that the good food health vitamin intake for a young woman is going to be different to that of a man in his seventies.

The food health vitamin intake amounts of certain foods are included in the nutritional labelling. This labelling is important for a person to consider and helps ensure that they are receiving the correct food health vitamin intake from the foods that they eat. The nutritional information is often represented as a percentage of the recommended daily allowance of each vitamin and mineral and can help assess the value of the foods in the quest for good food health vitamin intake.

There are also a number of items that a person may want to restrict in their diet as part of their good food health vitamin intake. Again, the nutritional labelling of certain foods can help a person to see how high a product is in these undesirable contents. Salt and fat, for example, may be items that a person wants to consider limiting as part of their good food health vitamin intake even though they are not strictly vitamins. The majority of people actually refer to nutrients when they use the word vitamin and food manufacturers are aware that a person is looking at minerals and other items when they are considering their good food health vitamin intake. Fiber is another element that many people are more aware of as forming an essential part of a balanced diet and is necessary for good food health vitamin intake.

If a person is on a restricted diet for any reason then they need to pay even more attention to their good food health vitamin intake. Obviously, some foods contain different nutrients to others and this is applicable to vitamins as well and it may be more difficult for a person to achieve their good food health vitamin intake if they are unable to eat certain foods. Vitamin supplements can form an essential part of a good food health vitamin intake for people who are unable to obtain their vitamins from their normal diet. It is also worth remembering that the good food health vitamin intake for a person varies throughout their life depending on their general health.

Health Articles In Audio

Are you tired of reading all day and wearing out your eyes till they are sore? Well you have found the right place to relax. This article collection on Alternative Health Therapies is in audio form. You simply click twice on the arrow in the white radio button to listen.

If traditional medical treatments are not helping your recover from or prevent illness or pain, you may wish to consider an alternative from of treatment to take the place of traditional options or to use in conjunction.

These alternative therapies are now being widely studied, as many people are having miraculous results with them. However, within the alternative medical world, there are a number of choices for treatment.

Alternative Therapy – how to choose

Traditionally, the detox diet is used for those who are struggling to quit drug or alcohol abuse. There are now many other known ways in which this can help a person’s health as well.

Detox diets include more than simply removing addictive substances from your menu—and the diet itself is quiet complicated if you do not first research and understand the food that you should be avoiding in your daily diet.

Healthy Eating – More complicated than you thought


Many people use herbs in their cooking for added flavor, but did you know that herbs can also be used in a medicinal way? Herbs have long been used as an alternative from of treatment. Patients taking various medications can benefit by using herbs that can achieve the same effects.

Herbs for Health

There is a theory circulating the medical world that says every person walking the Earth is composed of energy. In Japan, this is known as Ki, or spiritual life force energy. It is said that when a body runs low on life force, it becomes more susceptible to disease, stress, and harm.

In order to promote happiness and a healthy way of life, a body will need to be restored with energy. This is where Reiki comes in. Reiki is a Japanese technique that relieves stress and brings about well-being in a person through the manipulation of life force energies.

Reiki Cure Treatment

Acupressure is especially good for people who fear or are otherwise skeptical of sticking needles into their bodies. Related to massage, you should explore acupressure as a treatment option

Acupressure - Alternative Health therapy


Chiropractic is an alternative health option that has become mainstream and widely used. Chiropractic procedures can be used on just about anyone and will help in a variety of ways with multiple kinds of pain, so if you want to try an alternative to traditional medical treatments that has been proven to work, ask your doctor about more information regarding chiropractic.

Chiropractic Treatment

A new field within the alternative health field is that of biofeedback, which was first studied in the 1960s and was brought to the attention of the public by Drs. Barbara Brown and Elmer Green, and Joe Kamiya. Biofeedback is a process in which people control seemingly uncontrollable body functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing by using feedback from electronic devices. Today, biofeedback is still being studied and used for a variety of health reasons

Bio-Feedback Therapy

This technique uses crystals and gemstones on the body in the belief that they encourage the healing process. There are a number of ways in which you can do this, and professionals have specific techniques that they use in conjunction with spiritual and physical healing.

Using Crystals & Gemstones

Many people get massages because they feel nice, but did you know that a massage session could also benefit your health?

Massage techniques, when done properly, can not only decrease stress and relax your muscles, but they can also improve your immune system, relieve pain, cure headaches, help injuries heal faster, and retain your muscle and joint mobility.

Massage for Health

Acupuncture works by stimulating certain points on the body to heal you. A certified professional will first do an analysis by asking you questions about your health history and your current condition. He or she will also look at your skin color, tongue appearance, and dental health, as well as other things about your body.


Acupuncture as Alternative Health Remedy

Aromatherapy is the use of plant oils as an alternative from of medical treatment. Although its exact uses are still being explored, you should pursue this treatment if you want new and safe options for you medical condition treatment. Aromatherapy can be used to treat a variety of physical and mental illnesses, so it is becoming more popular for people who are not having success with traditional medical options.


Classical homeopathy can help with a number of illnesses and pains including, but not limited to AIDS, arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, PMS, dyslexia, insomnia, infertility, depression, digestive disorders, autism, and asthma.


Medical hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, can be used to treat a variety of conditions. Hollywood has caused a number of stereotypical misunderstandings to shadow the world of hypnosis, but the fact is that most hypnotists do not cause their patients to perform funny or embarrassing acts.

Hypnosis - Alternative Health Treatments

Studies today are focusing on the validity of prayer for health. The alternative to traditional treatments can be used to help a person both physically and spiritually, but studies are now looking at whether prayer can be used in place of other medical procedures or if it is simply something to use in conjunction with traditional treatment options.

Prayer for Health

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