Easy Ways To Lose Weight Fast - Why Torture Yourself

You have tried every diet known to mankind and they all touted themselves as easy ways to lose weight fast. Were they? Probably not. Although you did lose some weight, it came back quickly enough and then you found out it was probably only water weight that you lost, not any real fat. Now you are frustrated and not just a little upset, both with that company that sold you another bill of goods and yourself for falling for all the hype, again!

Are there truly any easy ways to lose weight fast out there? I don't know but I do know one thing, you would lose more weight if you tried the good old standby of eating less and working out more. You want easy? There it is. Eat less, work out more.

Too many people want to have someone else fix their problems. Your doctor is fixes what ails you, your dentist fixes your teeth, your chiropractor fixes your spine, and so on and so on. It has just become way too easy to expect other people to fix the problem that the one with the problem forgets that they and they alone are responsible for their own condition.

Think about this though, what does the doctor do for you when you are sick? She gives you a prescription, right? What do you do with that prescription? You get it filled at the pharmacy and you take it home and take it until it is gone and you feel better, right? What would happen if you didn't take the medicine? You would get sicker. Then you would feel really stupid for not taking the medicine, right?

The dentist tells you to brush and floss or you will lose your teeth. Who do you get mad at when you lose your teeth? The dentist? The chiropractor tells you to do these exercises to strengthen your back muscles so you have less pain. Who do you get mad at when your back still hurts? The chiropractor? If you do blame the dentist and the chiropractor then you are completely misguided and really need to rethink things.

Same goes for the weight loss, you and only you are responsible for how easily you lose the weight. Eat less and work out more. Walk where you can, incorporate some weights when you get stronger, ride a bike when you get even stronger. I hope that's not whining I hear. What? You cannot possibly find the time for all that?

Eating less can still be nutritious with a plan for your food or with nutrition shakes. You can have food you enjoy and not be hungry but you have to make the decision to take personal responsability for what you do.

Well then, I guess you better start making time to check your blood sugar before and after every meal and injecting yourself with insulin morning, noon and night. Because that is where you are headed if you do not take responsibility for your weight loss right this second and find the time to exercise at least thirty minutes a day, every day and eat less food for the rest of your life. These are the only proven easy ways to lose weight fast.

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

If you are desperate to lose weight quickly and looking for a safe and natural rapid weight loss program that is also convenient and affordable, you should check this site out, and also get the healthy weight loss answers you have been looking for. Remember to grab your free diet tips ebook downloads as well while you are there!

To have a free personal consultation with him to learn how incorporating nutritional supplements may improve your health concerns just visit “The Health Success Site” and download the free health report available there, or email warren@TheHealthSuccessSite.com to request a personal one-on-one consultation by email or phone.

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